Sunday, September 29, 2013

Lessons 10 & 11: Detailed explanation with video about 10th & 11th Arabic letters Raa'a & Zain

Hello guys, i was about to miss today's lesson because aim really sick today :( but i really appreciate you, that is why we will never miss a lesson Insha'a Allah.

So let us start today's Arabic Alphabets Lesson, last lesson we learned the 2nd group of letters, which were Daal & Thaal, Today our 3rd group of letters, also you will notice that the way of writing is the same except the dots location as usual.

The letter Raa'a is very easy to be written, now get your pen and write down ر ... Very easy it is just a curved line.....
Now let us talk about the 3 formation with the

Lessons 8 & 9: Detailed explanation with video about 8th & 9th Arabic letters Daal & Thaal

Hello guys to our new Arabic lesson for today. To make Learning Arabic easy for you we divided the letter into groups classified on the similarity of the way these letters written in, so our 1st group was the letter Baa'a, Taa'a & Thaa'a, and they were written as ب ت ث, As you cab see they almost look the same except the place and number of dots., And then we studied the letters Geem, Haa'a and Khaa'a ج ح خ, We are also talking about the places the dots are located in.

Our 3rd group is the 2 letters Daal & Thaal.

The letter Daal is written like د, very simple as piece of cake, the 3 formations of letter Daal...

  • Daal with the fatha is pronounced as

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Lesson 7: Detailed explanation with video about 7th Arabic letter Khaa'a

Our 7th Arabic alphabet lesson we will take about a new letter called Khaa'a, it's in the same group of Geem and Haa'a.

The khaa'a is written as خ, now take a pen and try to write it down خ.

The three formation of the Khaa are using the Fataha, kasra & Damma.

The Khaa'a with the Fatha is pronounced as Khaa, and written as خَ.
The Khaa'a with the formation of the kasra is pronounced as

Friday, September 27, 2013

Lesson 6: Detailed explanation with video about 6th Arabic letter Haa'a

Today's lesson is about the 6th letter of our alphabets, it's called Haa'a, it's the 2nd letter in the 2nd group of the Arabic alphabets, Our letter for today is written as ح, Take your pen and try writing it now.

As we agreed before that every Arabic alphabet has 3 formations using the Fathha, Kassra & finally the Damma,

Now let us see how the letter Haa'a we be pronounced using the 3 formations.

  • The Haa'a with the Fatha is pronounced as Ha, and witten as حَ.
  • The Haa'a with the Kasra is pronounced as He, and written as حِ.
  • And finally the letter Haa'a with the Damma will be pronouced as Ho, and will be written as follow حُ.
Now get a pen and written the letters down حَ حِ حُ, Easy isn't it?

I really recommend that

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lesson 5: Detailed explanation with video about 5th Arabic letter Geem

In today's Arabic Alphabet Lesson we will start with a new group of letters, We are done with Alaph, Baa'a, Taa'a & finally Thaa'a.
Today we will talk about the letter Geem, it's written as ج...

As usual there are 3 formation, the letter Geem with the Fatha, Kasra & Damma.

The Geem with the Fatha will be pronounced as Ga, And written as جَ.
The Geem with the Kasra will be pronounced as

Lesson 4: Detailed explanation with video about 4rd Arabic letter Thaa'a

Our today Arabic Lesson will be anout a new letter which is called Thaa'a, Thaa'a looks the same as the Baa'a & Taa'a but thee are only 3 don't not 2 on the letter, so what aim talking about is like that ث... easy isn't it? now take a paper and a pen and try to write it down...

There are also 3 formations Fatha, Kasra, Damma. As follows...

  • Thaa'a with the Fatha is called Tha, and it's written as

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lesson 3: Detailed explanation with video about 3rd Arabic letter Taa'a

Hi everybody, it's our 3rd lesson with the 3rd Arabic letter which is (Taa'a), our previous lesson was about the (Baa'a), and if you remember we described the letter (Baa'a) as a plate and under it a dot, just like that ب... And let me tell you that the Taa'a is the same as Baa'a but the only difference is that there are 2 dots and they are above the plate, So it's written as ت... Easy isn't it :) ???

And as we explained the Baa'a we will explain the Taa'a, What i mean that there are 3 formations also for the Taa'a as follows..

  • Taa'a with the Fatha sign ( َ  ) is pronounced as (Ta) and will be written as تَ.
  • Taa'a with the Kasra sign ( ِ  ) is pronounced as (Te) and will be written as تِ
  • And finally the Taa'a with the Damma sign ( ُ ) is pronounced as (To) and will be written as تُ.
And finally a small introduction about the next letter, it looks the same as the Taa'a, nut the only difference that it contains 3 dots instead of two, don't worry we will explain it in details as we always do, but don't forget to say Taa'a :)

Now enjoy our video and if you have any questions, please leave a comment down there and as fast as possible you will find my feedback :)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Lesson 2: Detailed explanation with video about 2nd Arabic letter Baa'a

Now it's time to learn about the 2nd letter, which is called "Baa'a", but shortly we will talk about our previous lesson which was about "Alaph", and as we saied before "Alaph" will be pronounced as "Ah" if there is Fataha " َ ", and "Eh" if there is a Kasra " ِ ", and finally "Ao" if there is Dama " ُ  ً".

And now we will talk about the 2nd letter which is called "Baa'a" which looks like "ب" it looks like a plate that have a dot under it. There are also 3 cases, if it contains....
  • "Fatah" it will be pronounced as"Ba" and written as بَ.
  • "Kasra" it will be pronounced as

Friday, September 20, 2013

Lesson 1: Detailed explanation with video about 1st Arabic letter Alaph

The 1st letter of the Arabic language is the Alaph, and it's written as follow...ا... Yes it's just a straight line, and it's pronounced as "Alaph", There are 3 formations that are used to pronunce the "Alaph" with...
  • "Fataha", and it a simple line on the letter, with a small curve and it looks like this...َ.... so the Alaph with the Fatha will look like this...اَ..... and it will be pronounced as "Ah".
  • "Kasra", it's also a simple line exactly as the "Fataha", but it will be located on the bottom of the letter, and it looks like that.... ِ  .... so "Alaph" with the "Kasra" will

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Intorduction to the Arabic language

Dear, Welcome to TA4F (Talk Arabic 4 Free), now it's your first step to be a native Arabic speaker and writer, by learning Arabic you will join 168 million person who talks Arabic worldwide, Arabic is the 7th popular language worldwide, Also Arabic is the language of the Holy Quran, which is the holy book of Muslims.

There are 28 consonant in the Arabic language, Arabic Language is one of the most beautiful languages ​​when writing, within our daily posts you will learn letter by letter word by word, even we learn you to create sentences that you can you in your daily life in any community that talks in Arabic.

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